Weight of Waiting Room 2

280cm (W) x 380cm (H) x 280cm (D)
ceramics, textiles

Robyn Phelan
Robyn Phelan exhibition The Weight of Waiting at Rubicon ARI gallery view 

Using more that 20 pairs of donated jeans this installation has been created using shredded denim twined into rope. This rope suspends ceramic forms that recreated the ancient amphora, , a vessel used throughout the Mediterranean to store grain, water, wine: the sustanance of society.

The Weight of Waiting recreated sensations of Melbourne's deep lockdown period. Living in an apartment, the artist images making containers and ropes to dangle down to the street below (Rapunzel-like) to safely receive medicine, food, from friends and neighbours when isolated with Covid-19.

As I shredded jeans I noticed firstly the weaving qualities of the cotton, then the density and colour of the warp threads that fell as I shredded the jeans into strips to twine. I gathered every fallen thread enmasse. As they were gathered, they matted together becoming a strong cultural record of so many stories:

·       the universal connections humans have to this particular clothing item,

·       the qualities and range of indigo dyed threads and the labour and currency of this industry,

·       the evidence of my labour, where a pile of warp threads and a coil of denim rope showed a day had passed.