Knuckle Pot - liquorice split

19cm (W) x 26cm (H) x 13cm (D)
Hand formed terracotta, terra sigillata, earthenware glaze. Fired to 1100Celsius and may still be porous. Always place on waterproof surfaces.

$ 380.00


Robyn Phelan
hand formed terracotta vessel, was included in the Vase & Flower Show 2022, Sydney.

Knuckled terracotta clay records and keeps every mark that transpires between the pressure of my body and the clay. Indexical making allows for another type of flow, a rhythm of short bursts of action. This vessel’s form is built around the parameters of my hand, the base is a slab tapped into the circumference of my palm and fingers, each component coil is the length of my pinky.

Boundless combinations of assemblage are possible even when imposing some constraints.

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